What’s Left For 2023?

Now is the time of year when people like you, begin to realize that the year is almost done. School starts in less than two weeks, then you got Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas in quick succession. Before you know it you’ll be waking up on the first day of 2024 with a hangover and an already forgotten resolution. And of course, the older you get the quicker this all happens. But Hey! We still have a few months of 2023 to party through, so lets see what WE have in store for YOU!

So I was going to detail each month here, but it turned out to be mostly a lot of nothing sprinkled with bad blog posts, so I will spare you. Instead, I will just tell you that the best thing we for sure have in store for you over the next few months is the 2nd Annual Haunted House. Now, of course there are a few other things that might happen, but I want to keep those things secret until I know they will happen. No sense in disappointing you if things change, right?

Want to guess which days in October we will be having the Haunted House? I will give you a hint, there will be two days and the first one is rather obvious. Okay, now do you remember when you were in elementary school and there was that one freakin’ nerd who sat next to you who always raised their hand when the teacher asked a question, they always showed up, they did their homework, ate their vegetables at lunch without mixing them in chocolate milk, and didn’t draw on their desk? Alright, now hold that image in your mind…if you actually looked at a calendar to guess which days the haunted house would be, then that kid is you, you are that nerd. You may have always been that nerd or you may have evolved into one, but facts are facts. Honestly you should be proud of that a little bit. Not too much, just a little bit. And for the rest of you, of course I will not tell you, and I doubt you will look now, so you will just have to wait until we announce it.

Last year we did one long day scaring people. This year we are going to try two shorter days, we think that will be better for everybody. Also, we are planning to pre-sell tickets like last year, so if you don’t want to wait in line you can buy a ticket ahead of time and just show up and go in when it is your turn. I guess it is kind of like a Disney Fast Pass, except you won’t be at Disney, or going on a super cool multi-million dollar ride, and you won’t be in a warm climate… Anyway, we are also planning on people being able to just walk up, wait in line, and pay to go through like normal. Two options because we love you.

Fair warning, this year the Haunted House will be different than last year, we have to keep you on your toes after all. And with any luck we learned something last year and this year will be better. How will we know if it is better? I am glad you asked. Last year we made one person run back out the entrance crying and two people turn around after the second room. So that is the benchmark. If we can make four people turn around by the second room, preferably at least two of them crying, then we know we did good. I guess everybody who made it out the other end came out smiling…we could measure by that too, but that is less fun if I’m being honest.

Not quite as exciting but still worth mentioning is the Escanaba Christmas Parade. The last few years we were out there selling merch and snacks before and during the parade. Of course, we will do that again, so be ready for hot chocolate and popcorn. Maybe we can even find a way to up our game on that this year as well… As far as I can see, they haven’t announced the date for the parade yet, so we will all just have to be patient with that one.

That’s it. Maybe. If any of those secret things become more for sure we will let you know. I promise they are really cool secret things, not lame things like baseball caps or Tshirts. Thank you for reading, we look forward to seeing you at the theater soon!

P.S. For those of you out there wondering, yes, those are pictures from our actual calendar. You really shouldn’t be surprised, I already told you we were nerds.


Update Stardate: 101309.18


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