T Shirt Designs

We know some of you have been wondering when we will have a different style of t shirt for sale. I feel ya, you guys want to give us all of your money but you only need so many shirts with our logo. Well good news, we are working on that. And I don't mean "working on it" like what someone normally means, like it is on our list and we haven't gotten to it yet. Oh no, we are for real working on it!

The next shirt we are hoping to have out is an Escanaba shirt. I don't want to give too much away or give too many details just in case we have to change gears a bit. What can I tell you? It will be cool...and it will say Escanaba. The rest is as of yet classified. Once we get the final t shirt design we may give you guys a sneak peak before we order them. Might even do a preorder. Might even be a discount if you preorder. Who knows. We will also probably turn that one into hats and stickers as well. Maybe.

Now for some less exciting news. The t shirt we wanted to do after the Escanaba one is not going to happen, at least not any time soon. Since that is the case, I will tell you all about it. We were going to have a local artist design a t shirt of Freddy Krueger wearing one of our t shirts and sell them this October. I know, that sounds so freaking awesome, right?! What is the problem? I got one word for you friend: Licensing. Sigh. Turns out getting licensing for something like this is a lot harder than you might think, at least for the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. Don't worry, we are going to keep working on getting you all some cool licensed t shirts, it is just going to take us longer than we had first expected. In the mean time, we will continue to cook up ideas on the t shirt front!

Thanks for reading friends! Stay tuned for more less than useful updates!


What’s Left For 2023?


Caps! Caps For Sale!