Update Stardate: 101309.18

Okay, so first I have to apologize. It has been almost a month since our last update and I know you guys live for these posts. You all probably didn't know what to do without them, I feel so bad. I will do my best to make it up to you.

As I just said above, I know it has been almost a month since you heard an update, but I promise you it was not in vain. First off, we had a guest post. Now that may not seem like a big deal, but it really caught us off guard when Chelsea Lamb reached out to us asking to write a post for our blog. That was a pretty neat thing, right?

Since our last post we have also made a big move for us. We brought our arcade cabinets from our house to the theater. Have any of you ever moved an arcade cabinet? If you have, you know how much fun it is not. The average upright arcade cabinet weights 165 pounds of awkward-bigger than you-can't see around it-weight. People like us also do our best to not ding, dent, or scratch them. Moving one is not terrible, but moving 4 at the same time is something I will try to avoid from now on. The good news is, they are at the theater!

So what does this mean for you? This means that soon you will be able to play these games. I know, you guys are starting to hate the word "soon", but I use it to protect you, I promise. We don't want to give you an exact date if it is still subject to change. We promise to give you “for sure” dates soon. *wink* The only other thing we have to do before the public (a.k.a. you) can play these games is get licenses for them. Yes, you need a license where we live to operate video arcade games for money. That story dates back to when arcade games and gambling were viewed by Uncle Sam as one in the same. Perhaps we will tell you that story sometime.

Of course, some of you may have noticed that we are now selling Haunted House Tickets. If you noticed this post and are reading it, but you haven't noticed that we are selling those tickets, then there is a problem... Anyway, we have been slaving away planning this haunted house to beat last year's, and I think we may just do it. We have many of the same fantastic scare-ers from last year and they are ready to make you scream like a..like um...well, like someone who gets scared and screams I guess. And if you went through last year and think you know what to expect, think again. There is not much else I can say without giving the good bits away, but we just wanted you guys to know we are working hard on it, for you, because we love you. Oh, and if you are that girl who knocked over half of the auditorium chairs in a comical domino effect, don't worry, they are all going to be bolted down this year.

Another exciting update is that we have had a plumber come to look at our plumbing situation, with the intention of getting our bathrooms up and running finally. Little side note, if you are wondering what to do for a career, choose skilled trades. I am telling you, all of those guys are constantly booked up, there is obviously room in the market for a few more good skilled tradespeople! The bathrooms are obviously something you guys will want working, since the closest public bathroom is at the park I think... So this is exciting, right?!

On the topic of building improvement, we have had a few leaks pop up on the roof. After trying to get ahold of a roofer who has nothing to do (haha) we decided to get on up there ourselves and patch that bad boy ourselves. It's not the first time, and I am sure it won't be the last. We wouldn't want any of you to get your adorable little heads dripped on while you were watching a movie, now would we?

Last but not least, we have been doing a lot of cleaning, lining up chairs, bolting chairs down, running wires and cables, hooking up equipment. Back to the chairs thing quick, want to know how many bolts we need in order to bolt them all down? One thousand three hundred and forty. Yes, that is a lot of bolts and a lot of screwing around putting em in. And running cables through the attic and the basement is probably about as much fun as it sounds, but we would do anything for you guys...well, almost anything.

So as you can see, we have not squandered our time since our last post. To be honest, we didn't even realize it had been that long. As they say, time flies when you're having fun! Oh yeah, and did I mention that we will be showing movies soon?


We’re Back Baby!


What’s Left For 2023?