Caps! Caps For Sale!

I know I used that same reference when we started selling beanies, but I am assuming that you all forgot by now. Also, it is hard for that not to pop into my head when I am selling hats.

So why the obscure children's book reference? We will be adding baseball caps to our store soon! Very soon. And there are a couple stories behind these hats. Why don't you sit back and relax as I tell you the tale of how we make things complicated.

You may have noticed that all of our products on the website are made in the USA. There is actually a reason for that, and it isn't just because we want to support Americans, which we do. No, in reality the main reason for that is we want to support ethical and sustainable labor practices. We don't want to be unwittingly buying clothes that were made in a sweatshop in a less regulated country. We would actually like to support developing countries, however it is very difficult to do that by buying shirts and know for sure that all the workers involved are truly getting treated fairly. Thus, we took the "easy" route and just looked for USA-made merchandise. We continue to research other companies that we agree with, and until we find them we will continue to purchase merchandise that we know for a fact was ethically and sustainably sourced.

As you might imagine, these beliefs of ours can cause us a bit of headache. That is where this next story comes in. We had asked our supplier for some USA-made hats with our logo on them. They were very quick to come back with a good option. We should have just went with those, it would have saved all of us some hassle, hindsight being 20-20 and all. But no, we asked for another option because the one they found was a trucker style hat, and we don't normally wear those. Now, we will eventually offer trucker style hats, it's just that we wanted our first hats to be ones that we would also wear, since, well, we wanted to wear them. So our friendly and hospitable supplier found us another option from the same company who makes our beanies. Great! We ordered them and excitedly waited for them to be delivered. When the box finally arrived we were thrilled with everything, they were comfortable and looked good. Then we noticed the “Made in Myanmar” tag. Yeah. Turns out the company who makes our beanies only makes the beanies in the USA, not their other hats. We must have missed this in all the hubub about us changing hat brands and styles and just assumed they were made in the USA. Oh well.

You know what the best part of all of this is? No really, I am not being sarcastic here. The best part is, we have baseball caps now! Yeah, they aren't exactly what we wanted, and yeah, we will probably find a different hat for when we reorder, but hey, we have hats now! And they are actually very nice hats too them Myanmarians know what they are doing. These caps should be hitting the store soon, so keep an eye out for them!

Oh, you want to know more about the picture? If you don’t recognize little Johnny here than you should probably swing past the theater and take a look around. No, no, sorry, we don’t have our doors open yet for you to meet little Johnny in person. Buuuuuuttttt, we might soon. Keep that on the DL though, there might be a post about that coming in the near future.


T Shirt Designs


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