Hear Ye Hear Ye

Friends, Nerds, Escanabanians, lend me your ears. Or don’t, it is really up to you. We know you have all been waiting to hear about all of the things that go on behind the scenes here at Old Michigan, who wouldn’t? That is why we started this blog.

If you have been wondering about our next haunted house, when we will finally get a different style of T-shirt, or what we are doing to make it so all of you can come in and watch movies, then this is the place for you. This is where you can get ahead of the crowd. Only YOU, the dedicated reader will know what is going to happen before it happens, which means you can be in the right place at the right time, before the tickets sell out.

Not only will you get an insider look into what is coming next, what we want to do, and the overambitious things we want to do but may never get to, but you will also get to hear more about all of the things we learned. If you read our other material on this website then you know buying a commercial building can be a pain in the rear. There are so many things along those lines that we have learned, the hard way, and we would like to share that knowledge with you guys. With any luck, we will be able to help even just one person be able to avoid some of the pain we went through.

We are going to do our best to post at least once a week, so keep your eyes peeled for our posts. Or don’t, it really is up to you.


Caps! Caps For Sale!