Want Some Free Stuff?

I know, I know, that title is clickbait. But, it’s not only clickbait, it is real. AND, I won’t make you read to the end to learn about the free stuff. Ready? Here we go. On August 31st all concessions will be free, while supplies last. We will also be giving away some free Old Michigan buttons and stickers, while supplies last. The arcade will also be on free play. Now, how often does clickbait deliver like that just did?

So…why the free stuff? Because we love you guys! Why else? Also, that will kind of be our last day open for the summer. We would rather give you guys all the concessions for free than have a bunch of candy, popcorn and sodeepop left over. Tickets will still be $5, in case you were wondering, and the movies showing will be Little Nicky and Citizen Kane. We know it is super sad and all, but just imagine how nice it will be when we reopen and the bathrooms work! Grob knows I will be excited about that! Oh, yea, if this is your first time reading one of our blog posts, and you got reeled in by the “free stuff” clickbait, you may benefit from knowing that our bathrooms are not currently working, and we have a port-a-potty in the mean time. If you want to read more about that, you will have to dig through the archives. Suffice it to say, many of us have gotten accustom to indoor plumbing, so the next time we open we want the bathrooms to be inside. I even have a great “we have toilets” sticker planned for that occasion.

Since I have your attention, I may as well throw in some info about the haunted house, right? So we are doing a haunted house…it will be good…I'm not actually sure what I can tell you that won’t give stuff away? I guess I will just tell you what is on the Haunted House page so you don’t have to go look at it. Tickets will be on sale September 1st through September 14th ONLY. There will only be pre-sale tickets, no walk ups. They will be the usual price, $50 for a group of 5 people. Each ticket is for a specific time slot, so you don’t have to wait in line. The haunted house dates are October 18th and 19th from 6-10 pm. If you have been through before, hahaha, don’t assume that you know what to expect, huhuhu. That was supposed to be a sinister chuckle…not sure how to write that…muee hee hee? heh heh heh? …I’ll have to work on that.


Escanaba…Ready For, Another Update?